This month we shipped a whole bunch of small changes and fixes. Here's a breakdown:
Improved ability to find article / full page
When clicking the Flow name in the Flow Editor, the text is automatically selected
Changing the Flow name in the Flow Editor now also saves when clicking away, not just on enter
Renaming a Flow from the Flow List now also saves when clicking away, not just on enter
Copy data button in Data Picker is no longer transparent
Added a colored border to the Data Picker button on Properties to indicate if it is auto-filling
Added a proper placeholder for the page selection dropdown
Added detection for Author images and filtered them from article capture.
Hid the Flow settings button in the content editor when using append capture
Disabled destination and page dropdowns when using append capture
Added hover effect on Folder icon to improve clarity
Fixed article / full page capture failures due to length
Fixed append capture causing a crash
Fixed changing a Flow to Page Capture mode sometimes causing a crash
Fixed an infrequent freeze that would occur when typing to filter the list of databases
Fixed being unable to scroll the Flow List when it overflows the popup
Fixed Notion workspaces with an Emoji as the icon not appearing correctly
Fixed Notion databases with custom image icons not appearing correctly
Fixed dropdown properties overlapping open dropdowns above them
Fixed the dropdown menu loading icon overlapping the text
Fixed the database selection dropdown overlapping the page selector when Flow is in Page Capture mode
Fixed a layout issue with page capture that didn’t allow you to view the Flows settings
Fixed being unable to scroll Capture History when overflowing
Fixed back button behavior in the Flow Editor when in page capture mode
Fixed last segment of text in each paragraph of an article capture being duplicated
Fixed emoji workspace icon on Settings > Flows
Fixed issue causing context menus to be cutoff in the Flow list
Fixed selected dropdown options not using ellipsis overflow correctly
Fixed and issue with highlights with only 1 piece of data causing Data Picker error
Fixed Data Picker allowing for unneeded horizontal scrolling which also caused odd wrapping behavior with long text.
Fixed youtube timestamp formatting
Fixed issue where block merging function failed when multiple paragraphs were selected in a highlight